Digital Lifestyle

Would you like to be your own boss, earn passive income and travel the world as a successful online Digital Marketer? 

Is your lifestyle digital?

The digital lifestyle is definitely not for everyone. But if you are someone who dreams of sacking your Boss and travelling the world, whilst you make passive income...then it might just be for you ! You just need to get the right tools!

Get started with Affiliate Marketing

I recently attended a concert at the Barbican  Arts Centre in London, concerning the life and times of Dame Ethel Smyth…                                  

The Ghan: Australia’s greatest train journey

The Ghan is the name of the kilometre long train taking passengers from Adelaide to Darwin in the north, via Alice Springs.
The Ghan was originally known as the Afghan Express …
Hiking is a great way to achieve insight into yourself on a specific Trail, path or journey.
Your mindset is important and you need tools to assist you on the way to the ultimate destination.

Practice makes perfect

There are really only three things you need, to be a successful digital marketer:   A basic website, an email list and a ditigal product which can either be your own, or an affiliate product.

Learn to avoid overwhelm !

Too many people when starting out spend way too much time researching and researching and ending up confused and overwhelmed with too many choices.  It’s not rocket science, keep it simple. 

Learn from someone who is already successful

To many people try to reinvent the wheel. Simply find someone who is already successful and copy what they do.  They have already made all the mistakes and taken the wrong turns and figured out what works.  All you have to do is learn what they do and copy it.