tango-51627_1280Every two years the Premier arts festival in New Zealand, opens in Wellington.  It always starts or commences in February of the even numbered years and so the next festival will be in February 2018.

In the year I attended, there were lots of unusual events…lengthy theatrical productions and a fabulous comedy by a group of ladies   known as Fascinating Aida.

But, although I enjoyed all the productions…I have a special memory of dancing the tango with a lady I happened to encounter by pure chance.

On the quayside in Wellington, there is a small wooden structure building that acts as a kind of music venue.  On a certain evening there was tango music playing, but the event was a sell-out, and no tickets were available on the evening.

The area surrounding this venue has concrete paving and I noticed a girl dancing tango steps on her own.  

There was a guy sitting nearby and I asked him why the girl was dancing on her own.

He simply said, ‘I don’t dance…but she’d be happy to dance with you’  gesturing towards his girlfriend who was watching and smiling.

So, I approached her and asked …she smiled and nodded …and we fell into step quite easily. tango-148496_1280

As there were no other people outside, we had a large area to ourselves, to dance on a warm, balmy evening and enjoy the music floating out from the venue.

I then mused how lucky I was to be dancing with this beautiful girl, under the stars … all because I took a little risk …and took action.

And the same is true with Internet Marketing !

If you take Action .. persist …maybe take a few small risks … keep trying and testing new strategies …then you will be rewarded…and yes you will be successful.

Unfortunately too many people give up..too soon .. they are afraid of rejection, of failure … of making mistakes  …and they throw in the towel !! …when success could be just around the corner with one more targeted and tested strategy !

As Brian Tracy says:

“You may be closer than you think,

…but you will never know if you give up”.

successNow if you are still feeling close to the point of throwing in the towel, then I highly recommend you watch this,

Free Webinar by Millionaire Internet Marketer, Sarah Staar.

It is called List Multiplier and it will show how to build a super targeted quality list in 30 days.

Numbers are limited so click here to register.

Wishing you every success with your online business ventures.

Professor T.


Some years ago I worked for a finance company and during the holiday break, I decided to grow a beard as an experiment.

On my return to work, I got some funny looks and it soon became apparent that beards were not a welcome addition to a man’s appearance, who was supposedly taking his career seriously.

The man in charge of my department had a word with my immediate superior and told him to tell me to shave my beard off.  Mmm!  

My immediate superior said it was not his place to tell me to shave my beard off and if the department department manager, felt that stronglyrazor-1179458_640, he should do the job himself.

The net result of this exchange of views, was that nothing happened, as neither man would concede to do the task himself.

I then decided that personal freedom and self-expression, were more important to me than a career in finance and decided to change course and opt for a career in teaching, where I knew It would be safe and acceptable, to wear a beard.

Recently, I had the good fortune to be on a course for 10 days where I was effectively cut off from the outside world.  

Two other attendees, were young men from Holland, and both decided to experiment by growing a beard for the 10 day period.

Wearing a beard myself, I naturally complimented both men on their beards at the end of the course and asked, if they were going to keep them.prophet-beard

One guy said he would shave it off as it would be inappropriate for him to wear a beard, as he worked for a small finance company in Holland and beards were not allowed or encouraged.  His friend, was training to be a primary school teacher and he said beards would be allowed if he chose to keep it.

What we can learn from the story is, that over a 50 year period, nothing much has changed and that within some financial sectors, conservatism still reigns, at the expense of personal preference.

gypsy-beard-1So what do we have here, a fear of being different, a love of staying within your familiar environment and a reluctance to embrace change and step outside your comfort zone, or imposed artificial rules.

The same can be said for many people starting out in
Internet marketing.  

If you want to be successful in Internet Marketing … you have to be prepared to take risks, try different strategies and tactics and be prepared to step outside the familiar …the “box” … to step outside your comfort zone and to challenge yourself…even  be prepared to embrace failure…God forbid!

Yes that’s right ! …  even be prepared to fail !

If you always stick with what is comfortable, predictable and expected of you.. then there will be no progress …no growth.

“If you keep doing what you’ve been doing …then you are always going to get what you’ve always got” !

You have to embrace new ideas, and confront new challenges. If you fail ..so what ! .. what did you learn? … pick yourself up and try again … try something different. If you persist …you will be successful. Yes you will be successful if you … never give up!

Don’t be afraid of failure, or of making mistakes. It’s the quickest way to learn.

As Gary Vaynerchuk says: “ Just do it” !  

Keep trying and you will be successful….and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you are still feeling overwhelmed and need some support and motivation, then I recommend you visit the : Sarah Staar Online Business School  and download one
of her
FREE courses.

She is an excellent teacher and she provides great support.

Nothing to lose. So give it a try … Click here:

You should also grab her FREE eBook101 Ways to get Traffic

Wishing you every success with your Online ventures.

Professor T
DigiBizHq. com
