The Pensioners Dilemma…sustainable income

pensionersThe Brexit vote is going to hit a particular group of people in the UK very hard. Many pensioners are going to suffer because of the chaos resulting from the Brexit vote.

And the sad fact is that many pensioners did vote Brexit, but did they have any real understanding of how they would be adversely affected by the Brexit result. Were pensioners aware, that in the short run at least, they were shooting themselves in the foot!

Whilst Brexit voters may argue that possibly, in the long run, things may work out in a positive way, it is worth remembering the famous quote by John Maynard Keynes –
                                                     “that in the long run we are all dead!”Economist John Maynard Keynes

This quote by England’s famous Economist is very poignant for pensioners, as many of them will be dead before Brexit fulfils its promise. Sad but true!

brexitAnd what if Brexit does not fulfil the promise? The economy will then be heading into a possible downward spiral and it will take years to recover – if ever.

Pensioners should be concerned with the, here and now and trying to keep their living standards safe for the immediate future, because they do not know how long they have to live.

Many pensioners rely on topping up their income, by investments and as we can see investment interest rates are falling, due to the Bank of England decision to cut the rate to 0.25%

We now have a situation where the pound is losing value, which means that any pensioner wishing to take a holiday abroad will now have to pay more, because the pound is worth less, against other currencies.

To cover the shortfall, in their existing incomes, many pensioners will be looking for other means to increase their income and help retain their existing standard of living.


One way to do this is to gain knowledge and expertise in the area of Internet Marketing. Start up costs are very low and if you get the right sort of training and assistance, you can actually make very healthy additional income, all from the comfort of your own home.

sarah-staar-pix-2Sarah Staar’s Online Business School has helped a lot of pensioners to increase their income and offers them a lot of FREE Training, help and ongoing support, to help them gain access to additional sustainable income online.

All you have to do is click on the link below and download one of her, easy-to-follow free training courses, or sign up for one of her affordable ongoing support programs, that will teach you how to build a profitable Internet Marketing business.

Click here for Sarah’s Catalogue of courses

Or… if you are unfamiliar with the idea of Internet Marketing, and not sure how, or where to get started, then I suggest you download, Sarah’s FREE course:

How to get started with Affiliate Marketing.

Wishing you every success with your Online ventures.
Professor T

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