Passive Evergreen Income

Passive Evergreen Income:
A Lesson in Royalties from a Great Jazz Composer..

duke-ellington2Today, something unusual happened to me …I sent an email into a Jazz Radio show on the BBC.
The show is called …Essential Classics.

To my great surprise, within five minutes of receiving my email …the presenter read it out “live” on the show … I was really quite surprised and quite pleased.

Now, the presenter read out his take on my email, about how the famous Jazz composer, Duke Ellington, responded to members of his band, who wanted credit for their various contributions to the Duke’s compositions.

Some of the Duke’s band members were less than pleased, that they got no recognition for the ideas, that they believed, they had contributed to his works and also, that they received no part of the royalties … Arhh the magic of Royalties !!

music-score..compose, create, originate, something once and publish it …and the cash register just keeps ringing and ringing …even whilst you are sleeping !
This is what is called …smart, passive, evergreen income.

You only have to do the work once … and the $$$ just keep coming in…
Ok I hear you say …yes your work might be rubbish and your royalties may only be cents and not $$$ ..but equally, it might be ok …or a smash hit and go viral …who knows…the point is …

Just Do it !!

jazz-piano-keyboard…you only have to do the work once and let the magic of Royalties do the rest of the heavy lifting for you.

As they say …Publish or be Damned !!

You may get a trickle, or you may get an avalanche of recurring income…for years to come.. even whilst you’re in the bath, lying on the beach, watching TV, or sleeping …!

…tell me how you can do this ..working 9 to 5 for someone else ?
It’s the same for Internet Marketing…just keep doing it …creating, posting and publishing stuff and you will set in motion ..the Passive, Royalty, Income Train ..that, with the right marketing, it will become evergreen!

Of course the lesson is…make sure you have your name on it …and it’s linked to Your Bank account !
uk-notesNow, if you are just starting out, or still finding your way with Internet Marketing …and you need some help with list building, marketing or product creation, then click on the link below and grab some FREE training from one of the UK’s most successful Internet Marketers.

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Wishing you every success with your Online Businesses.
Professor T

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