Passive Evergreen Income:
A Lesson in Royalties from a Great Jazz Composer..

duke-ellington2Today, something unusual happened to me …I sent an email into a Jazz Radio show on the BBC.
The show is called …Essential Classics.

To my great surprise, within five minutes of receiving my email …the presenter read it out “live” on the show … I was really quite surprised and quite pleased.

Now, the presenter read out his take on my email, about how the famous Jazz composer, Duke Ellington, responded to members of his band, who wanted credit for their various contributions to the Duke’s compositions.

Some of the Duke’s band members were less than pleased, that they got no recognition for the ideas, that they believed, they had contributed to his works and also, that they received no part of the royalties … Arhh the magic of Royalties !!

music-score..compose, create, originate, something once and publish it …and the cash register just keeps ringing and ringing …even whilst you are sleeping !
This is what is called …smart, passive, evergreen income.

You only have to do the work once … and the $$$ just keep coming in…
Ok I hear you say …yes your work might be rubbish and your royalties may only be cents and not $$$ ..but equally, it might be ok …or a smash hit and go viral …who knows…the point is …

Just Do it !!

jazz-piano-keyboard…you only have to do the work once and let the magic of Royalties do the rest of the heavy lifting for you.

As they say …Publish or be Damned !!

You may get a trickle, or you may get an avalanche of recurring income…for years to come.. even whilst you’re in the bath, lying on the beach, watching TV, or sleeping …!

…tell me how you can do this ..working 9 to 5 for someone else ?
It’s the same for Internet Marketing…just keep doing it …creating, posting and publishing stuff and you will set in motion ..the Passive, Royalty, Income Train ..that, with the right marketing, it will become evergreen!

Of course the lesson is…make sure you have your name on it …and it’s linked to Your Bank account !
uk-notesNow, if you are just starting out, or still finding your way with Internet Marketing …and you need some help with list building, marketing or product creation, then click on the link below and grab some FREE training from one of the UK’s most successful Internet Marketers.

Click the Link: Turbo-charge your online business

Wishing you every success with your Online Businesses.
Professor T

productivity-success1. Create Systems, Not Goals
Commit to a process, not a goal. Commit to a process that leads to a goal, and you’re much more likely to achieve that goal. Focus on what you will do, not on what you want to happen.

2. Make Temptations Hard to Reach
Convenience is the mother of distraction, so make it a pain in the butt to satisfy your temptations.

3. Maximize the Most Important Tasks
All of us have things we do that make the biggest difference. What two or three things contribute most to your success? What two or three things generate the most revenue? Then eliminate all the other stuff.

4. Allow Less Time for Key Projects
Limit the amount of time you allow yourself to complete an important task. You’ll be more focused, more motivated, your energy level will be higher, and you’ll actually get more done.

5. Chunk Housekeeping Tasks
Allocate specific time for email and organising tasks. They don’t make you money …and fool you into thinking you are being productive !

6. Start Small and work up to it.
In time, you will feel comfortable to increase the volume. Whenever you want to create a new habit, start small so you will actually start — and stick with it through that tough early time when habits are hard to form.

7. Build in Frequent Breaks
Small, frequent breaks are a great way to refresh and recharge. The key to not burning out is to not let burnout sneak up on you. Scheduling regular short breaks ensures that won’t happen

8. Actively Schedule Free Time
Plan your free time and relaxation. Plan activities. The happier you are, the more motivated and productive you will be over the long term.

9. Meditate Every Morning
Practice some form of Mindfulness meditation. It will make you more focused, improve your concentration and cognition and help you to get much more done every day. (Google and find a 5 minute meditation that you like)

10. Exercise in the Morning
Exercise is energizing. Exercise will make you healthier. Exercise can make you smarter. Plus exercise can improve your mood for up to 12 hours after you work out. Feel better. Be smarter. Be less stressed. Have a more productive day. Find the exercise that works for you.

11. Eat a Healthy Breakfast and Lunch Every Day
Protein and lots of fruit and vegetables or fruits. Your body will thank you. You will have less stress and illness and you will be more productive.

12. Drink More Water
Drink a glass of warm water first thing every morning after waking up and at least 30 minutes before eating breakfast. You will find with practice that this will have beneficial effects on your metabolism, make you more regular and give you more energy. Continuing to drink lots of water during the day. Yes it will make you Pee .. but it will also make you healthier and more productive.
You will also eat less ..particularly junk food and you will feel more energized and it will decrease your chances of contracting certain diseases.
Getting up to go to the bathroom exercise !

13. Take a Productivity Nap
A quick nap can improve creativity, memory, and your ability to stay focused. Besides that, neurologists tout the learning benefits of midday siestas. Napping is not just napping anymore; it’s a skill. And it’s a skill that can super-charge your productivity.

14. Spend time with Positive People
Spend more time with people who motivate you and lift you up. You will be excited, and energized. Surround yourself with people who can improve your life, and your life will naturally improve. Eliminate people who who are negative or who de-motivate you.. Life is too short.

15. Practice Gratitude.
Take a moment each night to reflect. In that moment, quit worrying about what you don’t have. Quit worrying about what others have that you don’t. Think about what you do have. You have a lot to be thankful for. Count your blessings every night and you’ll start the next day in a much more positive way.

16. Use Your Mind for Thinking, Not Remembering
Here’s another Getting Things Done tip. Don’t clutter your thoughts with mental to-do lists or information you need to remember. Write all those things down. Don’t waste mental energy trying to remember important tasks or ideas. That’s what paper ( or a Journal ) is for.

18. Turn off Alerts
Every alert sucks away your attention. When you are working and focusing on what you want to achieve …. turn them off. You can always check them later …when you have finished your important task or project. The world won’t come to an end.

17. Be Inspired by Small Successes
Habits are hard to form. If you want to learn a new skill, decide to do one small thing really, really well. Then build on that. Success, even minor success, is motivating and creates an awesome feedback loop that will motivate you to do another small thing really well. One step at a time.

For more Tips and Strategies to help you be more Productive Online please we recommend you visit:  – The Sarah Staar Online Business School– and download a FREE course thats suitable for you.

Wishing you every success with your Online Business

Blog post courtesy of
Adapted from an article by – Jeff Haden 2016 INC Magazine

pensionersThe Brexit vote is going to hit a particular group of people in the UK very hard. Many pensioners are going to suffer because of the chaos resulting from the Brexit vote.

And the sad fact is that many pensioners did vote Brexit, but did they have any real understanding of how they would be adversely affected by the Brexit result. Were pensioners aware, that in the short run at least, they were shooting themselves in the foot!

Whilst Brexit voters may argue that possibly, in the long run, things may work out in a positive way, it is worth remembering the famous quote by John Maynard Keynes –
                                                     “that in the long run we are all dead!”Economist John Maynard Keynes

This quote by England’s famous Economist is very poignant for pensioners, as many of them will be dead before Brexit fulfils its promise. Sad but true!

brexitAnd what if Brexit does not fulfil the promise? The economy will then be heading into a possible downward spiral and it will take years to recover – if ever.

Pensioners should be concerned with the, here and now and trying to keep their living standards safe for the immediate future, because they do not know how long they have to live.

Many pensioners rely on topping up their income, by investments and as we can see investment interest rates are falling, due to the Bank of England decision to cut the rate to 0.25%

We now have a situation where the pound is losing value, which means that any pensioner wishing to take a holiday abroad will now have to pay more, because the pound is worth less, against other currencies.

To cover the shortfall, in their existing incomes, many pensioners will be looking for other means to increase their income and help retain their existing standard of living.


One way to do this is to gain knowledge and expertise in the area of Internet Marketing. Start up costs are very low and if you get the right sort of training and assistance, you can actually make very healthy additional income, all from the comfort of your own home.

sarah-staar-pix-2Sarah Staar’s Online Business School has helped a lot of pensioners to increase their income and offers them a lot of FREE Training, help and ongoing support, to help them gain access to additional sustainable income online.

All you have to do is click on the link below and download one of her, easy-to-follow free training courses, or sign up for one of her affordable ongoing support programs, that will teach you how to build a profitable Internet Marketing business.

Click here for Sarah’s Catalogue of courses

Or… if you are unfamiliar with the idea of Internet Marketing, and not sure how, or where to get started, then I suggest you download, Sarah’s FREE course:

How to get started with Affiliate Marketing.

Wishing you every success with your Online ventures.
Professor T

Life as a Solopreneur can be tough sometimes…you constantly need to refuel the motivation tank to stay on track and keep moving forward towards your goals!

I recently read an article in Success Magazine by Amy Morin with these great tips to help you build your Mental Toughness.

I hope they will give you a bit of a boost and help you to keep the brain juices flowing.

The article points out that …”developing mental strength takes a conscious effort, dedication and daily practice.

Start with these 10 exercises to work out your “mental muscles”.

1.Establish goals.

We all know how important this is …but the trick is to set short-term manageable goals which give you a sense of accomplishment when reached.

2. Set yourself up for success.

Modify your environment…it makes it easier to be prepared and easier to resist destructive temptations.

3. Tolerate discomfort for a greater purpose.

Practice tolerating a little discomfort and remind yourself of the bigger picture.. it will generate more confidence.

4. Reframe your negative thoughts.

Work on your inner dialogue and reframe negative thoughts. You will never completely eliminate them all, but with practice you can tame them and manage them, so that they don’t hold you back.

5. Balance your emotions with logic.

Get you emotions and logic in sync. This is when you will make the most productive decisions.

6. Strive to fulfill your purpose.

Without a clear purpose and mission.. you will get distracted, derailed and lost. Focus on clear daily objectives to ensure that you get to where you want to go.

7. Look for explanations, not excuses.

Don’t beat yourself up. You will never get it right all of the time.
Learn from your mistakes and move on. Stay focused.

8. Do one hard thing every day.

Step out side your comfort zone in some small way everyday.
To grow you have to challenge yourself, but keep it manageable so that you don’t give up and become disheartened.

9. Use the 10-minute rule.

When you are tired and ready to quit for the day and contemplating putting something off that you know you should do…and that you know will help you progress towards your goals… just do 10 minutes.

Chunking difficult or laborious tasks down to small daily bite-sized chunks will progress you far quicker, and make you mentally tougher.

All of which will make you more productive and move you closer to achieving your goals.

10. Prove yourself wrong.

Commit to doing something, that you have told yourself you can’t do…within reason of course. Break the task down into small chunks, as above. This will skyrocket your Mental Toughness and your confidence.

Read the full article here: 10 Ways to Build Your Mental Strength

Guest post by Philip J. Lord
The MegaBook of Affiliate Marketing programs.

Hiking is a great way to achieve insight into yourself on a specific Trail, path or journey.
Your mindset is important and you need tools to assist you on the way to the ultimate destination.
You can assess your strength of purpose and get used to overcoming challenges of climate and varying weather conditions.  It will be necessary to deal with solitude and how to tune in with nature and the environment.

But, you also need a sense of direction and purpose on the journey, so you do not get lost on the way.

You need a sure fire way to move safely and progress with confidence step-by -step.

Now it can be just as easy to get lost with online marketing and to lose your sense of direction.
Just like hiking you need a proven map to plan the journey to assist with overcoming difficulties, obstacles and get you back on track after taking the inevitable wrong turns.
You need to be able to access proven resources that can quickly help you get back on the right track and enable you to achieve your ultimate goal …passive every green income and financial freedom.

One specific resource tool that I can recommend is the MegaBook of High Paying Affiliate Marketing programs.

Click here
to have a look, it may just be the missing ‘road map’ that you need to help you grow a successful and sustainable online business.

Wishing you every success.

Prof T.

You know, I love to grow my own vegetables !

My 97 year old granny .. who’s fitter than me … !

would always tell people the secret to a long and happy life, was to grow your own veggies.

But you know .. that’s not as easy as it sounds .. some veggies are stubborn and hard to grow… without quite a bit of care and Fertiliser.

So I’m digging in the garden and turning-in, healthy amounts of Blood and Bone – which really Stinks!   … and I’m thinking …you know – when you are starting out online, Affiliate Marketing can really smell.

You get constantly bombarded by  wound up Guru’s and Spruikers and Scammers, to do this and that and it is all so easy and just buy this and press a few buttons and tomorrow by lunch time you will be sipping Pina Coladas in the Bahamas – right !

Wrong .. !!!

…one of the hardest things when you are a Nooobie .. .is to find those quality high converting affiliate programs that you can quickly join and start promoting on your Blog or Facebook or YouTube – where ever .

Now its not easy ..right ..and it takes a bit of work .. but if you start out with a quality high converting program that pays well ..then you are in with a big chance – if you know how to drive a bit of Traffic to your post.

Now my good friend and successful IM down under, has just released a brilliant new eBook which, I reckon, solves this problem.  It contains over 500 high paying and high converting quality affiliate marketing programs !

When I saw it, I couldn’t believe the number of great affiliate programs  it contains- it must have taken hundreds of hours  – of Blood and Bone – sorry – Sweat and Tears to put it together.

Now you really want to take a look at this as it will save you endless hours of research and frustration.

Its still on launch discount and you can grab it here if your quick. 

Wishing you every success with your online businesses.

Remember the famous words of Tony Robbins,

” If you want to be successful, find someone who is already successful and do what they do and you will be successful also”.


Professor T.






tango-51627_1280Every two years the Premier arts festival in New Zealand, opens in Wellington.  It always starts or commences in February of the even numbered years and so the next festival will be in February 2018.

In the year I attended, there were lots of unusual events…lengthy theatrical productions and a fabulous comedy by a group of ladies   known as Fascinating Aida.

But, although I enjoyed all the productions…I have a special memory of dancing the tango with a lady I happened to encounter by pure chance.

On the quayside in Wellington, there is a small wooden structure building that acts as a kind of music venue.  On a certain evening there was tango music playing, but the event was a sell-out, and no tickets were available on the evening.

The area surrounding this venue has concrete paving and I noticed a girl dancing tango steps on her own.  

There was a guy sitting nearby and I asked him why the girl was dancing on her own.

He simply said, ‘I don’t dance…but she’d be happy to dance with you’  gesturing towards his girlfriend who was watching and smiling.

So, I approached her and asked …she smiled and nodded …and we fell into step quite easily. tango-148496_1280

As there were no other people outside, we had a large area to ourselves, to dance on a warm, balmy evening and enjoy the music floating out from the venue.

I then mused how lucky I was to be dancing with this beautiful girl, under the stars … all because I took a little risk …and took action.

And the same is true with Internet Marketing !

If you take Action .. persist …maybe take a few small risks … keep trying and testing new strategies …then you will be rewarded…and yes you will be successful.

Unfortunately too many people give up..too soon .. they are afraid of rejection, of failure … of making mistakes  …and they throw in the towel !! …when success could be just around the corner with one more targeted and tested strategy !

As Brian Tracy says:

“You may be closer than you think,

…but you will never know if you give up”.

successNow if you are still feeling close to the point of throwing in the towel, then I highly recommend you watch this,

Free Webinar by Millionaire Internet Marketer, Sarah Staar.

It is called List Multiplier and it will show how to build a super targeted quality list in 30 days.

Numbers are limited so click here to register.

Wishing you every success with your online business ventures.

Professor T.


Some years ago I worked for a finance company and during the holiday break, I decided to grow a beard as an experiment.

On my return to work, I got some funny looks and it soon became apparent that beards were not a welcome addition to a man’s appearance, who was supposedly taking his career seriously.

The man in charge of my department had a word with my immediate superior and told him to tell me to shave my beard off.  Mmm!  

My immediate superior said it was not his place to tell me to shave my beard off and if the department department manager, felt that stronglyrazor-1179458_640, he should do the job himself.

The net result of this exchange of views, was that nothing happened, as neither man would concede to do the task himself.

I then decided that personal freedom and self-expression, were more important to me than a career in finance and decided to change course and opt for a career in teaching, where I knew It would be safe and acceptable, to wear a beard.

Recently, I had the good fortune to be on a course for 10 days where I was effectively cut off from the outside world.  

Two other attendees, were young men from Holland, and both decided to experiment by growing a beard for the 10 day period.

Wearing a beard myself, I naturally complimented both men on their beards at the end of the course and asked, if they were going to keep them.prophet-beard

One guy said he would shave it off as it would be inappropriate for him to wear a beard, as he worked for a small finance company in Holland and beards were not allowed or encouraged.  His friend, was training to be a primary school teacher and he said beards would be allowed if he chose to keep it.

What we can learn from the story is, that over a 50 year period, nothing much has changed and that within some financial sectors, conservatism still reigns, at the expense of personal preference.

gypsy-beard-1So what do we have here, a fear of being different, a love of staying within your familiar environment and a reluctance to embrace change and step outside your comfort zone, or imposed artificial rules.

The same can be said for many people starting out in
Internet marketing.  

If you want to be successful in Internet Marketing … you have to be prepared to take risks, try different strategies and tactics and be prepared to step outside the familiar …the “box” … to step outside your comfort zone and to challenge yourself…even  be prepared to embrace failure…God forbid!

Yes that’s right ! …  even be prepared to fail !

If you always stick with what is comfortable, predictable and expected of you.. then there will be no progress …no growth.

“If you keep doing what you’ve been doing …then you are always going to get what you’ve always got” !

You have to embrace new ideas, and confront new challenges. If you fail what ! .. what did you learn? … pick yourself up and try again … try something different. If you persist …you will be successful. Yes you will be successful if you … never give up!

Don’t be afraid of failure, or of making mistakes. It’s the quickest way to learn.

As Gary Vaynerchuk says: “ Just do it” !  

Keep trying and you will be successful….and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you are still feeling overwhelmed and need some support and motivation, then I recommend you visit the : Sarah Staar Online Business School  and download one
of her
FREE courses.

She is an excellent teacher and she provides great support.

Nothing to lose. So give it a try … Click here:

You should also grab her FREE eBook101 Ways to get Traffic

Wishing you every success with your Online ventures.

Professor T
DigiBizHq. com
